Every child feels safe and secure

The children's happiness is at the centre of all we do. We want the children to go home full of joy, bursting with the excitement and learning of the day. We strongly believe that children only learn well and thrive if they're happy and healthy. Our dedicated pastoral staff work alongside other staff to discreetly monitor each child's wellbeing and provide support to them, and to you, where necessary.

Building a healthy self-esteem

Right from the start, we encourage children to be their own person and discover their individual interests and passions, building a healthy self-esteem in the process. We also actively promote kindness and generosity so, even at this early age, they're learning the qualities that will help them form healthy adult relationships.

Our school values are central to all we do, and we use these as the basis for our rewards system. We recognise the children's personal achievements in our weekly 'Praise and Celebrate' assemblies.

© Port Regis 2025.