"Happiness is central to the Port Regis experience"

We believe the individual care that boys and girls receive at Port Regis is second to none. Looking after the children and ensuring they feel safe, secure and happy is at the heart of everything we do.

Our dedicated team of staff play an essential role implementing the carefully structured pastoral programme which is an integral part of our school life. Each pupil’s well-being and personal progress is carefully monitored and children are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of school life. By doing so they discover their own interests and passions, thus developing their individuality and a healthy self-esteem.

As a school, we work hard to develop children’s inter-personal skills and there is strong emphasis placed on good manners, kindness and consideration for others.

Henry Marshall
Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Pupil-Teacher Relations

A happy child is a productive one, and that a child’s mental wellbeing and resilience are fundamental components in their ability to learn. As such, we work tirelessly to ensure there is a nurturing atmosphere in which each child feels secure, happy and positively engaged. This is achieved both formally through the Tutor System and/or Houseparents, and informally through the relationships the children are encouraged to build both with each other, and all the adults at the school.

Great expectations

We have high expectations of our pupils’ standard of behaviour. Good manners and consideration for others are values that are fundamental to life at Port Regis. Each child is encouraged to develop his or her individuality and to learn that personal freedom involves responsibility to others.

We strive to provide an environment which is caring, positive, safe and stimulating and that promotes the social, emotional, physical and moral development of all our children.

The Tutor System

The long-established tutor system at Port Regis, which mirrors that of senior schools, is fundamental to the way we look after children and the relationship between tutor and tutee is a very special one. It also forms a vital link between the family and the school. A tutor’s primary role is to focus on the wellbeing of your child and is readily available to talk to you about any matter, pastoral or academic. In the lower school the class teacher undertakes this role for the whole class. In middle school, years 5 and 6, children are put into tutor groups of 10-15. And as children move into the upper school, they are given the choice of who they would like as their tutor for their last two years. As such it becomes a closer, more in-depth relationship as children progress through the school and is hugely important for parents and pupils alike.  

Life Skills & PSHE

The Life Skills & RSE programme is a part of the pastoral care provision at Port Regis, and is overseen and delivered by Head of Boarding Dale Woolmer.

Pupils receive weekly lessons, The intention is to provide a programme of education that underpins the overall ethos and values of the school and supports the pastoral provision provided by the staff body.


Port Regis recognises that the welfare of a child is paramount and we take seriously our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in our care. Port Regis is committed to safeguarding and we recognise that all adults, including temporary staff, volunteers and governors, have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm.

We have a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and procedures in place to: afford protection for all pupils; enable staff and volunteers to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; promote a culture which makes this school a safe place to learn and live.

© Port Regis 2024.